
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Walk Slow

Type of Challenge
Random Acts of Kindness

So today...walk slow. Even if you have a million things to do, just slow down, even a few moments and enjoy God's blessings.
I have always been told that I walk like I am on a mission. I walk fast and zone-in on what I need to do. This is great when I need to get a lot done in a short amount of time, but not so great when I often miss opportunities to build stronger relationships.
Between working, cleaning, cooking, running errands, taking kids to events, etc it can be extremely hard to slow down. But here are a few things I notice when I make myself "walk slow". 
  • I stop and have intentional and meaningful conversations. 
  • I notice the little things. 
  • I smile more.
  • I laugh more.
  • I am more relaxed.
  • I am overall happier.
Kindness180 is all about honesty. So here is me being honest. I totally failed at this first. All of sudden everything around me needed to be done all at once, and  I started to go into full panic mode! After I had my panic attack, I had to stop and remind myself what today's challenge was all about, just to walk slow and so that's exactly what I did. I was still able to do what I needed to do, but it wasn't in "state of emergency" mode, and even helped keep everyone calm around me. (Bonus!)

If you are ever in a panic about what you need to do I have discovered a piece of advice that I have to give myself often. Stand up, take a deep breath, and literally walk slow. Look people in the eye, smile, and genuinely ask them how they are doing. It is amazing how much you will strengthen your relationships with other people if you simply choose to "walk slow".

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